Friday, September 13, 2013

My Constant

Last week it happened..the plane ticket was finally purchased. I will be moving to Uganda December 15-July 2! I can remember in May, I had no idea what God had planned for me. Am I to move in September? Am I to stay for 3, 4, 6 months? Well, I was definitely not to move there in September. However, I will be staying a little over 6 months! My stomach practically dropped once I knew the plane ticket was purchased. I felt sick to my stomach for about an hour after. Am I second guessing myself? NO. Am I nervous? Ok, yes just a bit. However, I know that my God is with me at all times, and His hand is over me, guiding me at all times. The past week has been an emotional roller coaster. However, there are things that always seem to keep me going...

This past weekend, I spent the entire weekend with my dad's side of the family. It is always a blessing being with them. We ate lots of food, had a bonfire, played cards, played games, us cousins pranked the adults, and we all went to Granddaddy's church Sunday morning. Saturday afternoon, while everyone was outside, I stayed inside helping Grandmother with cooking, cutting tomatoes, and setting the table for dinner. I love my Grandmother so much. It does my heart good that she is so excited for me. She asked questions, and after every answer her response was, "Well that's wonderful sweetheart!" God has blessed me with a family (on both sides) that have a heart for missions and the Lord. Sunday afternoon, I was swinging on the porch swing with my Granddaddy. I just laid my head on his shoulder, closed my eyes, and thanked the Lord for the precious grandparents that I have. He told me he was nervous, at first, about me moving to Uganda. Although he may be nervous, I know that deep down inside he knows I am the Lords. 

Last night my Pe-pa calls. I always love when he calls. Pretty sure out of every one in my life, no one is as excited me for me as my Pe-pa. He always puts a smile on my face! He is always so full of life, smiles, and love! Him and Me-ma always cover me in prayers. I am so blessed with grandparents, on both sides, who love the Lord more than life itself.

It is awesome to be able to say that both sides of my family have experience with missions. They are my constant. Some have been to China, Honduras, Uganda, Peru, Greece, Ecuador and several others. I love how the Lord has put together my family. They understand my heart, and they know that this is the Lord's plan for my life. Somedays, I walk around feeling like no one understands what I am going through. I feel like no one understands what it feels like to be moving half way around the world in a few months. That's the enemy telling me that, and he is so wrong. God has blessed me with people who understand my heart, and not only family but friends as well. Times are tough, but here are some highlights of this past emotional week:

1.) Many have asked for support letters, even those of whom I never expected to ask.

2.) Spending special time with family.

3.) Hearing that the high school I graduated from will gather together, and spend time praying for me on an upcoming Wednesday morning.

4.) Skype dates with Aly.

5.) Meeting friends at school who love the Lord.

6.) The Lord reminding me time and time again that it is all in His hands.

7.) My praise and worship time in the mornings on the way to school!

8.) Oh, and my favorite....

94 days & counting...

Psalm 9:18

"For the needy shall not always be forgotten,

and the hope of the poor shall not perish forever."