Thursday, December 26, 2013

A Blessing In Disguise

"And He said to them, 'Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to all of creation."
Mark 16:15

Yesterday, as I was journaling outside of our room over-looking the Nile River, I began to realize that I have been more homesick than I ever thought I would be. I knew I would be at some point in time, but not so soon and not this much. I figured after two years of praying and God making it evident that I am supposed to be here that I wouldn't be so homesick. So, why am I?

The Lord quickly answered that question yesterday. There is a purpose.

Things have been slow the past week and a half. I have been busy with getting adjusted to living in Uganda, learning the culture, adjusting to time change and jet lag. Maybe I am just homesick now because what I will be doing hasn't begun yet? Maybe the homesickness will fade away once the kids return from Christmas break? I don't know. Don't get me wrong, I am so happy and thankful I am here. The Lord is evident all around me, and He has already begun to do great things. However, I realize that half of my heart is back at home.

Yesterday, I realized how much I miss my family, my friends, and the girls I coach back at home. And I realized that being around my family, friends, and the girls I coach at home brings just as much happiness in my life as the kids, families, and friends here in Uganda do. I enjoy showing the love of Christ within me to my family and friends just as much as I do to the people here in Uganda. I love ministering and loving on the kids I coach at home just as much as I love ministering and loving on the kids here in Uganda and at Upendo Christian. I remember being at home and longing to be here in Uganda. There was never a day that I didn't think about being here, and now that I am here I feel the same about being back home at times. 

So, I guess you could call it a torn heart. Half of it is at home with family and friends, and half of it is right here with the people of Uganda. I count it all as a blessing though. Simply because, the Lord has blessed me with having love for more than one place. He has blessed me with loving more than just one group of people. He is stretching my love for Him outside of my comfort zone and into the world. I realize that this is an example of Christ's love for us. He wrecked my heart when I first came to Uganda, but it was all for the better. I am learning to take Mark 16:15 more seriously than I ever have before. I am learning that, the Lord hasn't called us to one certain group of people to spread the Gospel to. He has called us to go into the world. GO. INTO. THE. WORLD. 

There you see it. There you see the purpose of having a "torn" heart. It's a blessing in disguise..

I long to show the love of Christ to everyone. Am I called to stay in Uganda past 6.5 months one day? Maybe. However, I do not know that just yet. What I do know is I was called to return to Uganda now. In other words, I am to focus on what the Lord has for me right here right now. It is over-whelming realizing I will be here for 6.5 months, but I am at peace knowing the Lord has big plans! I am at peace knowing that it's a good thing having my heart in two different places at once. I have longed to be here and stay here for a length of time. I have longed to love on the people of Uganda and make new relationships and spread the Gospel here in Uganda. And here I am now, right where the Lord wants me to be! I mean, who knows, my heart might be split into more than two pieces one day? Wherever I am, wherever I go, and wherever I am called - I will always follow Him. After all, we are supposed to go into the world and spread the love of Christ, right? 

- Kaitlyn

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

A Not So Normal Christmas

Spending Christmas in Uganda is never something I would have ever imagined myself doing. Especially Spending Christmas in Uganda, without family, is never something I would have ever even thought of doing! No, it hasn't been the same as it usually is with family and the usual Christmas traditions, but it has been a very unique Christmas for me..

This past week, Aly and I have been doing all we can to make it feel like Christmas. It has been so hot the past week that it is so hard to get in the Christmas spirit. When we are cleaning, cooking, or even just hanging out around the house, we are playing Christmas music. For the past week it just really hasn't felt like Christmas. However, that quickly changed the day we sat underneath the big tree in front of our home. Sitting there, we both wrote out a list of things that makes it feel like Christmas at home. Christmas trees, decorations, Santa Clause, Christmas lights, cold weather, hot chocolate, and every year family traditions.. the list goes on. After writing out the list, Aly began saying how we (our society) has turned Christmas into something it's really not. Many people in the world know about Christmas, but more than many people do not know the true meaning of Christmas. We make Christmas out to be all about the lights, the Christmas trees, Santa Clause and traditions, but that isn't at all what it is about. It is about Christ's birth. Once I realized that, being away from the normal has made me truly stop and think about what Christmas is really all about. In fact, the very first day of Christmas, the morning of Christ's birth, there weren't all of the Christmas traditions. There wasn't a Christmas tree full of lights and ornaments. There wasn't Christmas lights on the stable. There wasn't Christmas cookies, family all around the table eating a Christmas meal, and no where in the Bible does it say "Santa Clause" was there! Then it started to truly feel like Christmas. At home, we do talk about Christ's birth, and we do read the story of Christ's birth.. but which do we really spend our time putting emphasis on? The traditions or the true meaning of Christmas? Family or Christ's birth? Do I wish I was home with my family and the every year family Christmas traditions? Of course. But, do I really need all of that to have a wonderful Christmas? No. Because it isn't all about everything we have made it out to be. So, here is a look into what my Christmas has been like..

Aly and I had the privilege of sharing an American Christmas tradition with these sweet girls, Michal, Maureen, and Sharon. These three girls are staying at Upendo over Christmas break. We have been every day without power, but thankfully we have a gas oven and were able to make and decorate Christmas cookies with these girls! We had such a blast. In the midst of it all, I realized that if it weren't for Christ, there would be no way we would have ever had this opportunity. Because of Christ, we are unified in Him, and able to be together as one in Him. The girls loved the cookies, and it was a time full of fun, laughter, and fellowship with one another and Christ. Not to mention, they also were away from their families for Christmas.

Now, because of wonderful parents that I am blessed with, Aly and I traveled to Jinja yesterday for Christmas. We are at a lodge with access to internet. I am so thankful for it, because I was able to Skype my family yesterday, and will be able to for the next couple of days. It has been a time of relaxation, processing, and blogging of course! Last night we were able to make hot chocolate, look at videos of Christmas lights on youtube, and watch the Nativity movie. This morning, on Christmas day, we opened presents from family that were sent with us. 

So, no it hasn't been the usual, normal Christmas that I usually have. But, it has been a very unique and amazing Christmas. You really appreciate Christ's birth and all that you are blessed with when you take a step out of the every year traditions. Praying that everyone takes time on this day to take a step back from the craziness of Christmas, and realize that we have been truly blessed by Christ's birth! Merry Christmas!

- Kaitlyn

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

More Than I Expected

I finally made it! And below is a picture of the night I landed in Uganda, Africa...

The Lord never promised it would be easy. In fact, He said that it wouldn't be easy. It is never easy stepping out in a leap of faith, and following the Lord to wherever it is He has called you go. I am now one week into living here in Uganda, and I can honestly say it is a lot harder than I expected it to be. Yes, I knew it was going to be hard. However, it is a lot harder in different ways than I expected it to be. I expected home-sickness, tiredness, weariness, and jet lag. Life in Uganda is nothing like life at home..

Above is a picture of Aly and I's home. If you notice, the windows are all open due to no air conditioning. At night we have to shut them to keep out the mosquitos that carry malaria, and sleep under mosquito nets. Here lately it has been very hot, because it is about to be in the dry season of Uganda. For the past 3 or 4 days we have been without power. We went to the market to buy some food a couple of days ago, and all of a sudden the power went out! So, we had to shop in the dark. And when we were eating dinner one evening, the power went out and it was pitch black in the house. All we could do is sit there and laugh, and look for the lanterns in the dark with flash lights! You would think not having power, and windows open during the day isn't such a bad thing. However, when you lose power all day almost every day, you worry about the refrigerator that has food in it. Sometimes the meat goes bad and we have to throw it out even if we just bought it that day..

The green bucket is our "washing machine".  We spent all morning and almost afternoon cleaning the house. I realized how easy we have it at home with our washing machines and dryers! The bucket holds a few pieces of clothing, and you have to turn the knob on top for 10 to 15 minutes, depending on how dirty the clothes are. It has been quite an experience, and very tiring on my back and feet. Not only do we have to hand wash clothes, but also towels, sheets, bed spreads, dishes, etc. It takes so much longer cleaning here than at home, because you have to do it one thing at a time. After we are finished with washing, we hang our clothes to dry on the line outside in our yard which usually takes up most of the day.

The picture above is a picture of our filtering system. Filtering water usually takes about 30 minutes. We have to filter it for cooking and having water to drink in general. The water that comes from our faucets is not clean water, and needless to say, I have forgotten that quite a few times when I go to brush my teeth and end up soaking my tooth brush in hydrogen peroxide. The other day, Aly and I were sitting down eating while filtering water and totally forgot about it. There was water all over the kitchen floor! Again... we just had to laugh! This has also been a learning experience. At home, you never have to worry about shower water getting in your mouth or not being able to brush your teeth with the faucet water. I never realized how much of a habit it is..

Going into the city is a huge difference than just driving into town at home. There are people who cover the streets, and who will actually walk right out in front of you if you aren't being careful! There are boda-bodas (motorcycles) that squeeze in wherever they can find to get by quicker. Usually the boda-bodas have anywhere from 1 to 3 or 4 people on them! Craziness! Not only are there tons of people flooding the streets, but traffic jams are horrible. I think I might have saw one traffic light, and that is about it! It is very polluted and dusty within the city. 

With all of this to say, adjusting has been very tiring. A lot more tiring than I had imagined, and I realized a lot of it is still jet lag and adjusting to the 8 hour time change. However, the Lord has been working within me throughout this past week. He has taught me that even during laboring at the house, the craziness of the city, and the adjusting to a completely different culture, I am to always glorify Him. He has placed me here to be a light to others, and to look to Him in everything I do here. I have learned that when I feel lonely or out of place, He is always there to pick me up and keep me going. When I am home sick and nothing feels right, He is there to help me through the day. I have already begun making new relationships, and growing in the ones I already have. I am so thankful the Lord has placed Aly in my life, because if it weren't for her either.. I would be a complete mess right now! Even though our work has not quite started yet, He is preparing my heart for what is to come when the kids return from Christmas break. I know that what He has in store is something huge, and it is only a matter of time before His plan is revealed!

- Kaitlyn

Monday, November 25, 2013

Goodbyes Are Always The Hardest

3 weeks from today, I will be on my way to Uganda, Africa.  Here lately, it has all started to really hit me. I have been so amazed at how good God has been to me. I knew two years ago that this was God's plan for my life, but He has really confirmed it more so recently than ever before. . . .

When all this started, my goal was $5,000 to raise for my trip. After a while, AMG raised my goal to $9,000.  Now that is a huge difference! Honestly, we didn't think that much was necessary.  I have had, so far, two and a half months to raise all of this money. There were times I was a little worried about the money coming in, but God has always provided. Today I received an email telling me I am only $575 away from making my goal! WOW! I have enjoyed watching as the Lord has provided so magnificently! People have given any where from $25 to $1,000. As the time draws more and more near to go, I have had even more of a peace about it all.  I mean, how could I not?  God has clearly shown that this is His plan, and His plan is HUGE! When I read the words..

"..and yes, you are blessed. You have done a great job of raising your support I am thrilled for you and this just confirms God’s call to get you to Uganda.  I am continuing to pray for you as you approach your departure date and know God has great things for you, besides being a tremendous blessing to Aly."

.. in the email; my heart started to skip a beat and tears of joy came to my eyes! Y'all just have no clue how faithful God has been. I count every bit of it joy! I count the hard times, the good times, and the great times all joy

The emotional toll has begun already. Last Friday I said "goodbye" to my babies at the gym. I never realized how hard that was going to be. The Thursday before, a dad from the gym brought his quartet in to sing some fare-well songs to me. I had already cried at the beginning of the practice, because all of the girls piled on top of me with a big, big group hug. It tore my heart into pieces! Friday night, we all went out to eat after gym for one last time being together. I have been so blessed by all of the parents and staff at Inbound Gymnastics. The coaches and girls gave me a journal that they all wrote in to keep with me in Uganda. I have been so blessed by everyone there, and I will miss them dearly!

Saying all these goodbyes have been a little hard. Yesterday, my brother and sister took off to Uganda for two weeks with their team. Saying goodbye to them was hard for me. Knowing that I will only have one week left with them when they return is hard. Also, the fact that I will not be able to be with them this year was hard as well. There is nothing like serving half-way across the world with your brother and sister! I just know they will be the hands and feet of Jesus. I couldn't be any more proud of who they have become. At 16 years old, they yearn for more of Jesus, and will do anything for Him. Please pray for them as they spend two weeks in the country that I will be moving to in 3 weeks!

I know the goodbye's will only get harder. However, they get a little easier when I remember that I am following the One who is in control of my life. When I remember that I am doing what my heart desires. 6 and a half months may or may not sound like a long time, but either way, it is all in God's hands... and there is no place better!!

- Kaitlyn

19 days & counting..

Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Month of Giving Thanks

There is so much in my life to give thanks for! My life is full of blessings, and to be honest I truly never realized it until Christ became my Savior. I never truly realized it until I went to Uganda, and saw people who have nothing but give thanks daily for another day and another chance at life.  My God is amazing in every way! He provides for my life like I could never even begin to imagine. So, here are a few things I am most thankful for these days...

1.) Family:

My family is so important to me. I have parents who love the Lord more than life itself. Parents that choose to follow God's will no matter the cost. Parents who make sure their children love the Lord and follow His will for their lives as well. Parents who bend over backwards to make sure their kids are happy and are doing what is pleasing to the Lord. Parents who allow their children to go half way around the world, because that is what the Lord has called their kids to do. Crazy right?! No. I am thankful for my parents, because they know there is nothing better for their kids than to be following the Lord wherever that may be. There is no safer place than in the Lord's hands and in His care, and trust me... they know that. I am thankful for my mother's cancer and for my father's heart attack. Again.. crazy right?! No. Tough times, yes, but the Lord turned those tough times into miracles and living testimonies. What an AMAZING God we serve! -  I am thankful for the brother and sister the Lord has placed into my life. We may not see each other daily, or have family suppers every night or really any night. But Seth and Hannah are my world. Those two make me so proud day in and day out. You know you have a brother and sister who truly follow the Lord when they go out of their way to be a light for God. My sister shared her personal testimony with her club soccer team not to long ago... WOW. And my goofy brother led a kid from school to Christ a few days ago... WOW. Those two are amazing whether they realize it or not. I am proud of the two imperfect, loving, caring, Christ-following young man and woman they have become. It is because of my Christ-loving family I am the person I am today. Love you guys!

2.) Catherine:

To the little girl who has changed my whole world. To the little girl who amazes me in any and every way possible. Catherine, I love you so. I am so thankful for you and your love for the Lord. Making it through two rounds of Malaria is a miracle, and it goes to show you that our sweet Daddy up above has big, big plans for your life! I cannot wait to spend 6 and a half months with you and your precious self! I cannot wait to see your mother again, and meet the rest of your family! I cannot wait to wrap my arms around you and tell you how much I love you my sweet little sister in Christ! God loves you more than life itself, and I cannot wait to see the plans the Lord has laid out and planned out for you. Keep hanging in there because you stronger than you know! I'll be there before you know it. Oh, how I am so very thankful for you!!

3.) Those of whom have supported me and loved me through it all:

I am so very thankful for my extended family and my friends who have been behind me, praying for me more than I know. The Lord has blessed me with you guys. And I know you know who you are. I have been blessed tremendously, and probably a little, well actually a lot, more than I deserve to be. Thank you guys for the financial support. The Lord has answered my prayers in so many different ways. I have been praying for almost two years that God would send me, and He has answered that prayer. I am so thankful for your willingness to give, and obey the Lord as He has called you all to be a part of this journey, as well. It is amazing to see how God has chosen you, specifically, to be a part of it. I could never even begin to thank every enough. Not through thank-you cards, or phone calls, Skype calls, or text messages. Not through hugs, hugs and more hugs. However, you will see just how thankful I am for you guys through our Lord. He will bless you more than you could ever imagine for obeying His call to give. Most importantly, I am so thankful for your prayers. I am much, much, much more thankful for your prayers. Your prayers have helped me through tough times, and as I prepare to leave here soon.. Please be praying the Lord will comfort my family and I as we spend this last month together. I have the best family and friends. I love the love you have for the Lord! Thank you!!

4.) The One who changed my life forever, and deserves the most thanks of them all:

And I give a HUGE thanks to the One who is behind it ALL. My God of whom ALL blessings flow. Seriously... God never ceases to amaze me. He is always there when I need Him. He is always there when I am joyful and jammin' in my car headed to school or work. He is always there when I am down and upset. He is always there when I with my family or friends. He is always there and already knows what it is I am to do and need to do. To see how He has put together the steps to getting to Uganda has been incredible. Looking back down the road, I am so thankful for the decisions I made through Him. I am so thankful He has been faithful while I am so undeserving. I am so thankful His love remains and remains forever. I remember the day I quit gym... He was there. I remember the night I stepped foot onto Ugandan soil... He was there. I remember the day I cried on the plan ride home from Uganda... He was there. He is always there. There has never been a better decision that I have made than to follow Christ and His will for my life. Never. And to know that he died on the cross for me and my sin is greater than any love I have ever known. He is there while I prepare, while I wait, while I follow, and while I am alive. He is and always will be there.. Thank you, Lord!

- Kaitlyn

37 days!!

Friday, September 13, 2013

My Constant

Last week it happened..the plane ticket was finally purchased. I will be moving to Uganda December 15-July 2! I can remember in May, I had no idea what God had planned for me. Am I to move in September? Am I to stay for 3, 4, 6 months? Well, I was definitely not to move there in September. However, I will be staying a little over 6 months! My stomach practically dropped once I knew the plane ticket was purchased. I felt sick to my stomach for about an hour after. Am I second guessing myself? NO. Am I nervous? Ok, yes just a bit. However, I know that my God is with me at all times, and His hand is over me, guiding me at all times. The past week has been an emotional roller coaster. However, there are things that always seem to keep me going...

This past weekend, I spent the entire weekend with my dad's side of the family. It is always a blessing being with them. We ate lots of food, had a bonfire, played cards, played games, us cousins pranked the adults, and we all went to Granddaddy's church Sunday morning. Saturday afternoon, while everyone was outside, I stayed inside helping Grandmother with cooking, cutting tomatoes, and setting the table for dinner. I love my Grandmother so much. It does my heart good that she is so excited for me. She asked questions, and after every answer her response was, "Well that's wonderful sweetheart!" God has blessed me with a family (on both sides) that have a heart for missions and the Lord. Sunday afternoon, I was swinging on the porch swing with my Granddaddy. I just laid my head on his shoulder, closed my eyes, and thanked the Lord for the precious grandparents that I have. He told me he was nervous, at first, about me moving to Uganda. Although he may be nervous, I know that deep down inside he knows I am the Lords. 

Last night my Pe-pa calls. I always love when he calls. Pretty sure out of every one in my life, no one is as excited me for me as my Pe-pa. He always puts a smile on my face! He is always so full of life, smiles, and love! Him and Me-ma always cover me in prayers. I am so blessed with grandparents, on both sides, who love the Lord more than life itself.

It is awesome to be able to say that both sides of my family have experience with missions. They are my constant. Some have been to China, Honduras, Uganda, Peru, Greece, Ecuador and several others. I love how the Lord has put together my family. They understand my heart, and they know that this is the Lord's plan for my life. Somedays, I walk around feeling like no one understands what I am going through. I feel like no one understands what it feels like to be moving half way around the world in a few months. That's the enemy telling me that, and he is so wrong. God has blessed me with people who understand my heart, and not only family but friends as well. Times are tough, but here are some highlights of this past emotional week:

1.) Many have asked for support letters, even those of whom I never expected to ask.

2.) Spending special time with family.

3.) Hearing that the high school I graduated from will gather together, and spend time praying for me on an upcoming Wednesday morning.

4.) Skype dates with Aly.

5.) Meeting friends at school who love the Lord.

6.) The Lord reminding me time and time again that it is all in His hands.

7.) My praise and worship time in the mornings on the way to school!

8.) Oh, and my favorite....

94 days & counting...

Psalm 9:18

"For the needy shall not always be forgotten,

and the hope of the poor shall not perish forever."

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

His Faithfulness

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
and before you were born I consecrated you,
I appointed you a prophet to the nations."
Jeremiah 1:5

It amazes me how God shows up at just the right time. He is always there, but it's in the smallest ways that He shows His faithfulness.

You see, Jeremiah was young when the Lord appointed him to the nations. He was still under his parents roof when God said, "Jeremiah, GO." I love the book of Jeremiah, and how God used Jeremiah in His youth. At first, he didn't want to. Jeremiah knew he was young, and he knew that no one would want to listen to someone as young as him. However, because of his faithfulness to God he obeyed and began to preach. Before God even created Jeremiah, He knew what Jeremiah's life was going to be like. He knew the difficulties he would experience. He knew he would endure persecution. Jeremiah was a determined, dedicated, long-suffering, and visionary follower of God. No matter the cost, he did what he could to obey his Father.

Today was one of those days. One of those days that I struggle with wanting to be in Uganda, but at the same time wondering what life is going to be like away from home. I look back at God's faithfulness. The faithfulness that He has kept within my lifetime..

It was my sophomore year in high school. Mom comes into my room, and sits down on my bed. I was on my computer fiddling around on Facebook. She says, "I need to talk to you about something." She gives me that look..the look that I do not like to see. She tells me that there's a cyst on her ovaries that could possibly be cancerous. My first reaction..I don't even know what to say at this point. After a few minutes of thinking about it, I thought to myself, 'No..not my mom. There is no way that something this major could ever happen to my family.' However, it did. 

It was Christmas Eve morning. My family was running around franticly, getting ready to feed the homeless at church. Mom walks into my room as I am getting ready. All of a sudden, what I hated seeing the most, happened. The tears. They started to fall, and I knew that was going to come. But when? As the tears fell she said, "My hair is starting to fall out..." Then came my tears. It wasn't long after that she shaved her head. Those months of chemo seemed to be the longest months of my life. Mom struggled, but not once did she waver in her faith in God. Not once. Before she was even born, the Lord knew that He was going to allow this to happen to her. He knew that her faith would be so strong that she and the Lord would fight through it together. And there it was.. His faithfulness. My beautiful mother is a cancer survivor.

So from then on it's a happy ending? HA. I wish. It was my mom's cancer that opened my eyes to what true faith in Christ is. Am I happy she had cancer? No. But am I thankful? Of course! She is a walking testimony. Not only she, but my dad is as well. December of 2012..right after returning from Uganda the second time, my dad had a heart attack. A heart attack of which they call 'The Widows Maker'. Talk about scary! However, as always, there it was.. His faithfulness. My dad's heart looks better than it did before the heart attack. All I can say is, ONLY GOD.

The Lord knew all of this before my parents were ever even thought of, and He knew that I would be moving to Uganda. The fact that someone I have never even talked to asked for a support letter today, says it all. He's got this, and He's got this down pat. It's the little things. God knew that I would have days that I struggle, but He also knew that my struggles are not anywhere near as big as He is. My Daddy sits on the throne forever watching over me. Forever protecting me, and forever loving me. Forever staying faithful to me, and forever guiding me. 

He knew and He knows. He loves and He cares. He's here, He's there. He promises, and He is faithful.

- Kaitlyn

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sacrificial Love

I remember the day I gave up the one thing that my life revolved around. Gymnastics. It was towards the end of my senior year, and I thought my life was coming to an end. I sacrificed a lot in life to be in the gym. After countless years, days, and hours put into the one thing I loved more than anything.. It was time to shut the door. About a year before so, I just knew that I was going to be a collegiate gymnast. Wrong. God said no. I struggled with injuries and setbacks. Little did I know, God was shutting the door on gymnastics....

With my heart broken, I sucked it up and let it go. The weird thing was, I felt a peace after letting it go. It was a trip to Jamaica that changed my life forever. Just a small vacation with my family to celebrate graduating from high school. The feeling was overwhelming. I felt a tug on my heart; I felt the Lord moving within me. It was the poverty that I was caught off guard by. I knew then and there I wanted to help those less fortunate.

After closing the door on gymnastics, I decided to sign up for a trip to Uganda, Africa in November of 2011. There is nothing like God's love, His sacrificial love. Something that I experienced more than ever on a short, two week, mission trip. The moment I stepped foot onto the African soil, I knew right away I was not home anymore. I will never forget my first trip to Uganda...

The children were adorable in their ragged clothes, no shoes, and big smiles. The people there were so welcoming, and always had a smile on their face. I was amazed at how happy they were. How could these people who have nothing be so happy? The children at the orphanage would laugh at our funny accents, and it took a couple of days for them to warm up to us. I even got the chance to meet my sweet, sweet sponsor child, Catherine Kusaasira.

Catherine is beautiful, and such a selfless little girl. She is 7 years old, and has had malaria twice in her precious, little lifetime. I'll never forget the first time I met her. I had never seen a kid who was beyond happy about a dress, rain boots, and a baby doll. With tears, her mother thanked me countless times. It was an unforgettable moment. It was in that moment that God taught me true sacrificial love. Sacrificial love is not winning a gold medal, and dedicating your life to earthly treasures. It is about showing others Christ's unconditional love. It is about doing whatever it takes to love one another, even if it means setting aside your selfish ways. 

God opened my eyes to a whole new world. It was saturday, the day of the Christmas program at the orphanage, Upendo Christian. After the program, the kids scattered, running around playing games. I walked back to where the Christmas program took place, and saw a group of kids singing and dancing to the music. I walked in, and looked for Catherine. The kids who were dancing, ran up to me and grabbed my hands. I formed a circle, and we all began to dance. We danced round and round, and in that moment it began to hit me. Boy, did it hit me hard! Seeing those kids with the biggest smiles on their faces made my heart melt. I fell in love. I fell in love with His children, His people. God then said, "You love because I first loved you." I knew that God was calling me to something more than just a two week trip.

The journey home was heart breaking. I cried before leaving Uganda. I cried on the plane ride home, and I cried when I arrived home. Life was not the same. I was angry. Angry at the clothes, technology, nice car, and food I had in my refrigerator. Angry at my selfishness, and angry at America's selfishness. I did not understand why my life was the way it was. I did not understand why I had all these things, and the people in Uganda had nothing. Needless to say, two weeks in Uganda was the beginning of a new chapter in my life. After a while, life set in. Reality was back to normal, but Uganda never left my mind. It never left my heart.

A year later, I was back in Uganda. The second trip was so different from the first. In the past year, I grew in my relationship with the Lord. I was more prepared than I was the first time. And now... I find myself moving to Uganda. That's right, MOVING to Uganda. 

However, this is only the beginning of a new journey in my life..

- Kaitlyn