Monday, November 25, 2013

Goodbyes Are Always The Hardest

3 weeks from today, I will be on my way to Uganda, Africa.  Here lately, it has all started to really hit me. I have been so amazed at how good God has been to me. I knew two years ago that this was God's plan for my life, but He has really confirmed it more so recently than ever before. . . .

When all this started, my goal was $5,000 to raise for my trip. After a while, AMG raised my goal to $9,000.  Now that is a huge difference! Honestly, we didn't think that much was necessary.  I have had, so far, two and a half months to raise all of this money. There were times I was a little worried about the money coming in, but God has always provided. Today I received an email telling me I am only $575 away from making my goal! WOW! I have enjoyed watching as the Lord has provided so magnificently! People have given any where from $25 to $1,000. As the time draws more and more near to go, I have had even more of a peace about it all.  I mean, how could I not?  God has clearly shown that this is His plan, and His plan is HUGE! When I read the words..

"..and yes, you are blessed. You have done a great job of raising your support I am thrilled for you and this just confirms God’s call to get you to Uganda.  I am continuing to pray for you as you approach your departure date and know God has great things for you, besides being a tremendous blessing to Aly."

.. in the email; my heart started to skip a beat and tears of joy came to my eyes! Y'all just have no clue how faithful God has been. I count every bit of it joy! I count the hard times, the good times, and the great times all joy

The emotional toll has begun already. Last Friday I said "goodbye" to my babies at the gym. I never realized how hard that was going to be. The Thursday before, a dad from the gym brought his quartet in to sing some fare-well songs to me. I had already cried at the beginning of the practice, because all of the girls piled on top of me with a big, big group hug. It tore my heart into pieces! Friday night, we all went out to eat after gym for one last time being together. I have been so blessed by all of the parents and staff at Inbound Gymnastics. The coaches and girls gave me a journal that they all wrote in to keep with me in Uganda. I have been so blessed by everyone there, and I will miss them dearly!

Saying all these goodbyes have been a little hard. Yesterday, my brother and sister took off to Uganda for two weeks with their team. Saying goodbye to them was hard for me. Knowing that I will only have one week left with them when they return is hard. Also, the fact that I will not be able to be with them this year was hard as well. There is nothing like serving half-way across the world with your brother and sister! I just know they will be the hands and feet of Jesus. I couldn't be any more proud of who they have become. At 16 years old, they yearn for more of Jesus, and will do anything for Him. Please pray for them as they spend two weeks in the country that I will be moving to in 3 weeks!

I know the goodbye's will only get harder. However, they get a little easier when I remember that I am following the One who is in control of my life. When I remember that I am doing what my heart desires. 6 and a half months may or may not sound like a long time, but either way, it is all in God's hands... and there is no place better!!

- Kaitlyn

19 days & counting..

Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Month of Giving Thanks

There is so much in my life to give thanks for! My life is full of blessings, and to be honest I truly never realized it until Christ became my Savior. I never truly realized it until I went to Uganda, and saw people who have nothing but give thanks daily for another day and another chance at life.  My God is amazing in every way! He provides for my life like I could never even begin to imagine. So, here are a few things I am most thankful for these days...

1.) Family:

My family is so important to me. I have parents who love the Lord more than life itself. Parents that choose to follow God's will no matter the cost. Parents who make sure their children love the Lord and follow His will for their lives as well. Parents who bend over backwards to make sure their kids are happy and are doing what is pleasing to the Lord. Parents who allow their children to go half way around the world, because that is what the Lord has called their kids to do. Crazy right?! No. I am thankful for my parents, because they know there is nothing better for their kids than to be following the Lord wherever that may be. There is no safer place than in the Lord's hands and in His care, and trust me... they know that. I am thankful for my mother's cancer and for my father's heart attack. Again.. crazy right?! No. Tough times, yes, but the Lord turned those tough times into miracles and living testimonies. What an AMAZING God we serve! -  I am thankful for the brother and sister the Lord has placed into my life. We may not see each other daily, or have family suppers every night or really any night. But Seth and Hannah are my world. Those two make me so proud day in and day out. You know you have a brother and sister who truly follow the Lord when they go out of their way to be a light for God. My sister shared her personal testimony with her club soccer team not to long ago... WOW. And my goofy brother led a kid from school to Christ a few days ago... WOW. Those two are amazing whether they realize it or not. I am proud of the two imperfect, loving, caring, Christ-following young man and woman they have become. It is because of my Christ-loving family I am the person I am today. Love you guys!

2.) Catherine:

To the little girl who has changed my whole world. To the little girl who amazes me in any and every way possible. Catherine, I love you so. I am so thankful for you and your love for the Lord. Making it through two rounds of Malaria is a miracle, and it goes to show you that our sweet Daddy up above has big, big plans for your life! I cannot wait to spend 6 and a half months with you and your precious self! I cannot wait to see your mother again, and meet the rest of your family! I cannot wait to wrap my arms around you and tell you how much I love you my sweet little sister in Christ! God loves you more than life itself, and I cannot wait to see the plans the Lord has laid out and planned out for you. Keep hanging in there because you stronger than you know! I'll be there before you know it. Oh, how I am so very thankful for you!!

3.) Those of whom have supported me and loved me through it all:

I am so very thankful for my extended family and my friends who have been behind me, praying for me more than I know. The Lord has blessed me with you guys. And I know you know who you are. I have been blessed tremendously, and probably a little, well actually a lot, more than I deserve to be. Thank you guys for the financial support. The Lord has answered my prayers in so many different ways. I have been praying for almost two years that God would send me, and He has answered that prayer. I am so thankful for your willingness to give, and obey the Lord as He has called you all to be a part of this journey, as well. It is amazing to see how God has chosen you, specifically, to be a part of it. I could never even begin to thank every enough. Not through thank-you cards, or phone calls, Skype calls, or text messages. Not through hugs, hugs and more hugs. However, you will see just how thankful I am for you guys through our Lord. He will bless you more than you could ever imagine for obeying His call to give. Most importantly, I am so thankful for your prayers. I am much, much, much more thankful for your prayers. Your prayers have helped me through tough times, and as I prepare to leave here soon.. Please be praying the Lord will comfort my family and I as we spend this last month together. I have the best family and friends. I love the love you have for the Lord! Thank you!!

4.) The One who changed my life forever, and deserves the most thanks of them all:

And I give a HUGE thanks to the One who is behind it ALL. My God of whom ALL blessings flow. Seriously... God never ceases to amaze me. He is always there when I need Him. He is always there when I am joyful and jammin' in my car headed to school or work. He is always there when I am down and upset. He is always there when I with my family or friends. He is always there and already knows what it is I am to do and need to do. To see how He has put together the steps to getting to Uganda has been incredible. Looking back down the road, I am so thankful for the decisions I made through Him. I am so thankful He has been faithful while I am so undeserving. I am so thankful His love remains and remains forever. I remember the day I quit gym... He was there. I remember the night I stepped foot onto Ugandan soil... He was there. I remember the day I cried on the plan ride home from Uganda... He was there. He is always there. There has never been a better decision that I have made than to follow Christ and His will for my life. Never. And to know that he died on the cross for me and my sin is greater than any love I have ever known. He is there while I prepare, while I wait, while I follow, and while I am alive. He is and always will be there.. Thank you, Lord!

- Kaitlyn

37 days!!